Friday, May 3, 2013

May 4 Guild Meeting

The guild meeting tomorrow, May 4 is at the home of Dianne Cinkovich in Edenton. Looking forward to seeing everyone at 10 AM.


  1. Do we have any plans for a project/demo? I'm wondering what I should bring. Though Otto will be coming along so I'm not sure how long I'll stay...

  2. Hey Hilary,
    I had planned on demoing how to sink the bowl shape for a spoon. I am planning on sharing my beaded bezel I made at the last meeting. Is there something you would like to share or see?

  3. i'd definitely like to see the bowl sinking demo. Would that happen in the afternoon? I don't have much to share as I haven't had much studio time lately. I'm looking forward to attending tomorrow and seeing whatever anyone else has to share.

  4. We will probably have a short meeting, the demo and then break for lunch with work time following.

  5. There are pictures up from the May meeting. I will also post images of my spoon in process later in the week. Maybe you could post some of yours.
