Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Materials List for April Meeting

Pendant Materials Needed for a Basic Beaded Bezel

1 cabochon

2-3 colors of size 11 seed beads

1 beading needle (must fit through size 11 beads)

1 spool of Fireline or other beading thread

2 two – three inch squares of ultra suede (large enough to back the cabochon and several rows of beading)

1 bead mat or wash cloth to use as a work surface (keeps beads from rolling)

1 tube of E-6000 glue

Dorothy has arranged for Debra Zimmerman of the Bead Spot to bring materials for purchase to the meeting or we can purchase ahead at the Bead Spot or we can purchase from another vendor. Thanks, Dorothy.


  1. The guild meeting is this Saturday, April 6. Please give me a heads up if you are planning to come, so I can plan for enough seating. We will be going to lunch at the club house, probably eating in the grill room, since jeans are not allowed in the dinning room.
    My address is 103 Perrys Cove Court, Hertford NC and phone is 252-426-2012. If you need directions please email me at acpomp@pompsite.com and tell me where you are coming from.
    Looking forward to seeing everyone,

  2. I am coming and looking forward to learning about the beaded bezel from Dorothy and seeing everyone. I also remember how good the Club House lunch was last year.

    1. Thanks for replying, however I don't know who you are, your reply is coming up Anonymous. I need to know names so I can tell the security gate.
