Thursday, September 1, 2011

Change for September Meeting

I heard from Stan Harmon yesterday.  He and Marty like many of us suffered loss of trees and had dock damage but otherwise did well during Irene.

However, due to a serioius family illness he and Marty request a change in the month that we will meet at their home and studio in New Bern.  Stan is also delaying returning to Peru.

We were all excited and ready to play in glass, be at their beautiful home and work in Stan's studio but we know send our best wishes for returned health to their family member.


  1. Now that you have read the above post. Who would like to host our meeting on September 10?

  2. With all that is going on after "Irene," perhaps we should not meet this month.

  3. Hilary and Georgia both agree with Annemarie. Let me know what you think.

  4. I agree with Hilary, Georgia, and Annemarie to not meet in September.

  5. Valda would like to meet to work.

  6. People are welcome to come to my house to meet and work or talk or swim. It can be a low key meeting without a lot of business discussed since the number of people will probably be smallish or we don't have to call it a guild meeting at all and just a social/working thing. The place will be semi-clean - I can't seem to get every room in the house clean at one time. Pot-luck lunch would be good or we can eat out somewhere. I can also ask if we can meet at Emerge though there would probably be a cost that I don't think we want to worry about.
    With the Pocosin metals studio closed indefinitely, we also need to think about our October meeting.

  7. I will be glad to go to Joanne's for a meeting about the October meeting, work, and just relax with fellow metal heads.
