Thursday, August 11, 2011

Off Off Pink Stain

I have been working with some brass and the curse of the pink stain has meant a lot of scrubbing and sanding.  I had remembered a super pickle that Dennis French had told me about but I could not find my notes.

Yeah!  I found a source and wanted to share it with you.

Super Pickle for Removing Pink (copper skin) on Brass

Mix 2 parts hydrogen peroxide (3%) solution with the same amount of Sparex and 1 part water. Pickle first in plain Sparex then soak in hydrogen peroxide solution for 5 to 10 minutes to remove the pink skin often remaining on pickled brass. Exposure to sunlight will weaken the solution.

McCreight T. The Complete Metal Smith. (1991) Worcester, Mass: Davis Publication, Inc, p. 73

1 comment:

  1. I have used the above recipe for ridding brass of the pink or copper skin and it works really well.
